Benjamin McKenna

Photo of Benjamin McKenna

I am an assistant professor of mathematics at Georgia Tech. My work is in probability theory, especially random matrices and the geometry of high-dimensional random functions.

From fall 2022 to spring 2024, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University's Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, under the supervision of Prof. Horng-Tzer Yau. Before that, I spent spring 2022 on a Fulbright-Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation grant doing research at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), under the supervision of Prof. László Erdős. In fall 2021, I was a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics at MSRI (now SLMath).

I received a Ph.D. in mathematics in 2021 from the Courant Institute, New York University, and an A.B. in mathematics in 2016 from The University of Chicago. My Ph.D. thesis, advised by Prof. Gérard Ben Arous and Prof. Paul Bourgade, is here.

I co-organize the Georgia Tech Stochastics Seminar.

My email is bmckenna3 (at) Here is my CV.




In fall 2024, I am teaching Probability Theory (Math 3235), an undergraduate course, at Georgia Tech. Enrolled students can access the Canvas page here.

On the graduate side, in fall 2021 I gave two 90-minute videotaped guest lectures in Gérard Ben Arous's graduate course Random Matrices and Random Landscapes at UC Berkeley, mostly talking about the fifth and sixth papers above. The first lecture is here and the second lecture is here.